En respuesta a las preocupaciones sobre el trabajo forzoso en la Minería Artesanal y de Pequeña Escala de oro, hemos anunciado hoy el lanzamiento de un kit de herramientas con directrices y medidas prácticas para los actores clave de la industria en colaboración con Solidaridad.
El kit de herramientas está diseñado para ayudar a los mineros, organizaciones de la sociedad civil y los organismos gubernamentales y expertos en derechos humanos y laborales a identificar y hacer frente a trabajos forzosos en Minería Artesanal y de Pequeña Escala (MAPE). Esto, resultado de 18 meses de investigación y pruebas de campo por parte de los colaboradores. Humanity United, una fundación con sede en Estados Unidos dedicada a la construcción de la paz y la promoción de la libertad humana, proporcionó apoyo financiero.
Esperamos lanzar la versión en español y en otros idiomas del kit de herramientas próximamente.
Para mas información por favor contacte a: Marcin Piersiak marcinpiersiak@communitymining.com Tel: +57 4 332 4711
Descarge el kit de herramientas en inglés aquí:
Descarge el comunicado de prensa oficial en Inglés aquí:
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New toolkit to address forced labor in ASM
In response to concerns about forced labor in Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining, we have today announced the release of a toolkit of guidelines and practical measures for key players in the industry in collaboration with Solidaridad.
The toolkit is designed to help miners, civil society organizations and government agencies and experts in labor and human rights identify and deal with forced labor in Artisanal and Small-scale Mining (ASM). It follows 18 months of research and field-testing by the collaborators. Humanity United, a U.S.-based foundation dedicated to building peace and advancing human freedom, provided financial support.
“Forced labour is often believed to be a thing of the past, but unfortunately slavery is still common and occurs in some Artisanal and Small-scale Mining operations, at times without people being aware of their own enslaving. This toolkit provides practical guidelines to help address this complex issue through a holistic approach. We are thankful to the many contributors who shared their visions on this topic and provided feedback and to Jennifer Horning form Solidaridad for her ongoing collaboration. A big thank you to Humanity United and Solidaridad for their financial support.” says Lina Villa-Córdoba, Executive Director of the Alliance for Responsible Mining.
The toolkit builds on the collaborators’ experience of working with artisanal miners worldwide, and draws in particular from the Fairmined Standard developed by the Alliance for responsible mining. The Fairmined Standard promotes responsible mining practices for ASM gold mining, specifically addressing Forced Labour and Child Labour, not only in the certified mines, but also, progressively, in the surrounding communities.
Download the toolkit here:
Download the full press release here:
We expect to release a Spanish translation of the toolkit and possibly versions in other languages in the near future.
For more info please contact: Marcin Piersiak marcinpiersiak@communitymining.com Tel: +57 4 332 4711
If you do not wish to receive news from ARM, please send an email to arm@communitymining.org.